Open MRI

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Brace Yourself: 5 Healthful Tips to Take On Winter

Winter is unavoidable, whether you embrace the change or loathe the season. Fortunately, Encino Open MRI has provided some helpful tips to make the transition a little easier. These tips are designed to keep you emotionally, physically, and mentally strong during the seasonal transition.
Get your annual flu shot 
Although most people are more concerned with the […]

8 Amazing Ways to Prevent Cancer

The best way to prevent cancer is to live a healthy life of moderation and to know what elements to embrace and which to avoid. Obvious modes of living healthy include avoiding smoking, getting exercise, and eating healthy. However, according to Encino MRI, many new strategies have been defined that can affect people’s ability to […]

Don’t Let Claustrophobia Control Your Life

Who Suffers from Claustrophobia?
According to the American Psychiatric Association, 75 to 90 percent of people who suffer from claustrophobia are women. Furthermore, claustrophobia is hereditary as it is likely to be inherited among family members. Traumatic situations such as being locked in an enclosed space or witnessing another person being trapped can induce claustrophobia.
Common Fears […]